Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The humble leader...

I did not go to my first church camp until I was about to enter my senior year of high school. I had been hanging out at church for a few years at that point, but could never make it happen because of summer sports and other activities that seemed to be more important. They weren’t, but I thought so at the time. Anyways, that was when I met Marc for the first time; Kevin designated him as the lucky winner to be camp counselor for all of us senior boys.

It was kind of weird that I had never seen this guy before, because I’d been going to church pretty consistently. However, Kevin told me that Marc was one of his youth kids from the old school and that he was a pretty cool guy, all grown up. In fact, Marc was the general manager of his family business, and would tell Kevin that he could give him one week out of the year, each year, to serve unconditionally. Kevin chose that one week to be camp. I think Kevin probably did this as sort of a punishment, because he knew that Marc had such great ministry potential that he should be there more often. LOL.

Camp ended up being a blast that year. Marc was hilarious and we had so much fun messing with him - we even tried (unsuccessfully) to shave his head while he was sleeping. Following that summer, he ended up being one of my small group leaders and from that time on became one of the biggest influencers in my life, even until today. That was 25 years ago.

Fast-forward. Marc still gives time to the very same church that he did way back then. He pretty much runs the entire sports ministry, and has influence over so many people it is insane. But the best part about Marc is that he never wants to be in the limelight, or get recognition for anything he does. He serves because that is what he is called to do. He served because that is what he was taught by Kevin, and so many others.

Marc reminds me of one of the great parables in the Bible that Jesus tells…

When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you,“Give this man your seat.” Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place.
~Luke 14:8-11

The bottom line is, humble leaders add value to their people, and do it under the radar. So my question for you today is this: who are you adding value to on a daily basis? Are you too busy wanting to get recognized for the stuff that you do, or are you keeping your focus on others? If you’re doing the latter, keep pressing on, for the Lord will reward your diligence. My prayer is that you find somebody today that you can serve, preferably somebody who has nothing that they could give back in return. That is true greatness. 

Praying for you, 


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